Jesus Christ is Lord

The Christian worldview is the simple confession “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Jesus Christ is Lord

The Christian worldview can be summed up in the simple confession “Jesus Christ is Lord.” The name “Jesus” means Yahweh has come as the salvation of His people (Matt.1:21). Through the Son of God taking upon human flesh, God Himself has become the author and finisher of our salvation from our sins. The name “Jesus” thus refers to Him being the saviour of the world. It also points to His divinity.

The title “Christ” refers to Jesus being the anointed one for this task of being the saviour of the world. In fulfillment of much prophetic expectation in the Old Testament, God sent His Son in the fullness of time to be the Messiah or Christ of His people. It speaks of Jesus being the appointed prophet, priest, and king of God’s people who reveals, accomplishes, and executes the salvation of God. The title “Christ” thus points to His humanity as the divinely anointed and appointed new federal head of mankind.

This Jesus Christ, the God-man, the Savior and the Representative of God’s people is Lord. Though by virtue of being the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, He is God and has had all authority over His creation from the beginning, now the Gospel proclaims He as the God-man has received all authority over heaven and earth. As man’s Savior and Representative, He has earned by His perfect obedience and sacrifice the merits to be exalted by God to the highest throne of the universe and now being seated at the right hand of Majesty, all of God’s sovereignty is now mediated through this Messiah-King. Thus He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

What does it mean to believe that Jesus Christ is now my Savior and my Lord? Since I have put my wholehearted trust in Jesus alone for my salvation, I am assured that none of my sins can now condemn me to everlasting hell. For Jesus suffered in my place and gave Himself as a sin offering for me (Rom.8:1-3). Being washed in His blood, I stand before God as fully forgiven of all my sins. Moreover, He clothes me with His new robes of righteousness. Thus I stand before God as fully justified with my perfect righteousness in my Christ. Being reconciled to God through Christ, He is for me and not against me. All of life now works together for my good under His providential care. Nothing, no adverse circumstances or sufferings or even death itself can separate me from the love of God secure for me in Christ (Rom.8:38-39).

This glorious grace of God in the person and work of Jesus Christ now calls me to worship this Saviour as my only Lord. The Spirit of God reminds me, now I am under the obligation of love to treasure Christ and offer my whole heart’s allegiance and loyalty. Thus acknowledging Christ as Lord, I take up my cross, put to death my flesh, and follow Him as His word leads me. I bow my knee and worship Him as my maker, redeemer, and treasure of my life. Knowing Him and becoming more like Him is the main goal of my life. I study theology ultimately for my spiritual formation. I attend church ultimately to love His body like He does. I engage in ministry ultimately so that the bride of Christ would more faithfully look like her Bridegroom-King. I aim to do all things so that Christ would be pleased with, formed in, and glorified through me. Amen.