
Obeyingchur.ch is a multilingual repository of free articles, sermons, Bible studies, books, and videos to foster and support indigenous ministers and believers, especially of India to thrive in their obedience to the Lord.

As always, believers in our land need good, sound, and faithful exposition of Scripture. However, there is a dearth of good expositors in India. But there are also many on the other side, who in the name of meeting this need are importing Western ministries with their heavily Americanized understanding of ministry and theology that appeals only to a very niche minority found in some urban centers of this large country. The common man and the simple believers of India are thus not served by either of these groups. The aim of this site is to offer free resources for encouraging Bible study among the indigenous believers of India. Though English is employed on this site as a lingua franca to reach all Indians, it is considered only as a temporary functional bridge to foster thriving vernacular ministries.

Jay Dharan, the author, is a child of God who by the grace of God has some years of experience in teaching the Bible both in India and the US. He came to the Lord by reading the Bible in his college days. After a brief career in the IT field, he entered full-time ministry as a Bible teacher a decade ago. While in the US, he received his seminary education and also got ministry experience in White American churches. In 2020, he returned to India and is currently involved in a relational discipleship training ministry for rural pastors and churches.