My Repentance

As an English preacher in India, I repent that I have preached mainly focusing on the niche group of the urban rich, while neglecting the real demographic that is typical of India – the poor. They are those who have very little education and speak mostly in their vernacular. Sophisticated and scholastic theology is not what they need, but a simple life in Christ to watch and learn.

God-willing, I hope not to indulge anymore in vain rationalistic endeavours for satisfying the intellectual curiosity of the theologically sophisticated, but to live for and minister the simple gospel of Christ to make men spiritual especially the poor in India who cannot even speak one word in English and who have no greed or vain conceit to look more Westernized and modern in the eyes of their neighbour.

As it is not at all glamorous, most urban youth seems to be doing no good scholarship or ministry for such souls. I am  not their judge, but here I am, Lord, send me. I covet no banner, no name, no office, and no fame for this ministry. Just Your Holy Spirit’s blessing to offer an influence - a godly and silent influence to ground such Indians in Christ. Pray for me, saints.